Languages Kit Studio
2023_Preliminary Examination_Beginners_Continuers
The Preliminary Examination Kit includes:
- An Italian Beginners and Continuers Examination as a PDF and a Word document in the format of the Higher School Certificate
- Native speakers for both Beginners and Continuers Examinations professionally recorded the audio tracks.
- Audio tracks are included as one whole track per the transcript with adequate pauses and as individual audio tracks for the Beginners and Continuers should the teacher want to change the listening section to suit their students' needs. The audio tracks are included in MP3 or WAV format.
- The kit contains audio transcripts, marking criteria and sample answers for all skill sections.
- The examination questions can be used as separate skill assessment tasks. The Beginners kit is well suited for Stage 5 [Year 10].
- The Preliminary Kit is instantly downloadable and ready to use.
- The Languages Kit Studio Preliminary Examinations should not be made available for any other purposes than examination or assessments by the purchaser.